
Celebrating at Jeevan Siksha

India is the country of the culture, creed, tradition and festivals. We have many festivals like Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas etc. National festival republic day and Independence Day are also celebrated with great pomp and show. There is a lot of cultural program on these days. We celebrate all the festivals in school to respect each tribe and religion.

Hoil - Holi is the festival of Hindus, it marks victory over evil. It is the festival of color, we prepare a lot of natural color in School to play with, as colors in the market are chemical based which affects our skin. So we want to teach kids to avoid colors from the market but make color form wheat flour, rice , dried flowers from the temples, rose flowers, Multani soil etc.

Diwali - Diwali is the festival of light . It marks the victory of good over evil and returns of Lord Ram to Ayodhaya after 14 years of exile. This festival is important for many reasons. Obedience of Lord Rama and coming back to Ayodhya from exile, merchants worship goddess Laxmi on this occasion, so that they get success in their business.

Saraswati Pooja - In Hindu religious myth it is consider that Devi Saraswati is the goddess of the wisdom. So we celebrate it with keeping in motive that wisdom rules the universe. So we could acquire knowledge with the help of Devi Saraswati and this knowledge could be used in better manner.

Christmas celebration – it is the festival of Christmas, it is celebrated on 25th of December every year. It is considered that on this day Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem city. it is the festival of joy and love. So we exchange gift and cards on this day. In Jeevan Siksha school too we celebrate this festival, every year on this day there is a Santa clause with a lot of gift for children.